Spring Session 2025
Spring Session registration opens online Monday, March 24, 2025 or in-person Monday, March 31, 2025 at the Langley Education Centre office.
Registration Period: March 24 to May 1, 2025
Spring classes begin on or after Wednesday, April 30 and end Thursday, June 19, 2025
**Registration for Directed Learning Courses (On-Site and Online) is open until April 11, 2025 inclusively with students starting courses each week.
Students must be 16 years old as of July 1, 2024 in order to qualify for structured classes.
Click the button below to prepare for Spring Session registration, then log in on March 24, 2025 to register!
Create/update student account and Register
Ensure you have what you need to register readily available to upload to your student profile.
Structured Classes (4x per week in-class)
Structured classes provide students in-class instruction 4 times per week. This in-person structured format offers a lecture portion of the class with regular teacher instruction/guidance for the duration of the session. Homework is regularly assigned.
Section | Structured Class | Code | Day(s) | Start Time | End Time | Room | Teacher |
S1 | Chemistry 11 | CH11 | M/T/W/Th | 6:30 PM | 9:30 PM | A179 | Richard Obayashi |
S1 | English Studies 12 | ENST12 | M/T/W/Th | 6:30 PM | 9:30 PM | P28 | Joe Pelzer |
S1 | Foundations of Math 11 | FOM11 | M/T/W/Th | 9:30 AM | 12:30 PM | P27 | Neha Bharadwaj |
S1 | Pre-Calculus 12 | PREC12 | M/T/W/Th | 6:30 PM | 9:30 PM | A126 | Anurita Dhiman |
Blended Classes (2x per week in-class)
Blended classes give students more flexibility to complete course materials. They are required to attend on-site classes 2 times per week and are then required to complete the majority of their course work on their own time through lesson packages, assignments, or online.
Section | Blended Class | Code | Day(s) | Start Time | End Time | Room | Teacher |
S1 | Anatomy and Physiology 12 | ATPH12 | M/W | 9:30 AM | 12:30 PM | A179 | George Coletesis |
S1 | Comparative Cultures | CMCL12 | M/W | 6:30 PM | 9:30 PM | A181 | David Thomas |
S1 | Composition 11 | CMPS11 | T/Th | 9:30 AM | 12:30 PM | P25 | David Thomas |
S1 | English First Peoples 12 | ENFP12 | M/W | 9:30 AM | 12:30 PM | P28 | Leanne Stam |
S1 | Physics 11 | PH11 | T/Th | 6:30 PM | 9:30 PM | P27 | Jeremy Ratcliffe |
FWSB1 | Pre-Math 11 (Level 1-4) | MAF10 | W/Th | 6:00 PM | 7:30 PM | P20 | Tanya Ponting |
FWSB2 | Pre-Math 11 (Level 5-7) | MAF10 | T/Th | 9:30 AM | 12:30 PM | P26 | Iona Eliades |
S1 | Visual Arts: Photography 12 | VAPH12 | T/Th | 4:00 PM | 7:00 PM | P25 | Amanda Rawle |
English Literacy Foundation – Skillbuilder Classes (2x per week)
Develop the literacy skills needed to allow for success in regular high school classes. Classes are done on-site in a structured class format.
Section | Skillbuilder Class | Code | Day(s) | Start Time | End Time | Room | Teacher |
S3 | Foundations in Conversation - Skillbuilder Level 1/2 | ENFH10 | M/W | 1:00 PM | 4:00 PM | P20 | Allison Hantke |
S1 | Foundations in Conversation - Skillbuilder Level 3/4 | ENFH10 | M/W | 9:30 AM | 12:30 PM | P26 | Angela Davidson |
S6 | Foundations in Conversation - Skillbuilder Level 3/4/5 | ENFH10 | T/Th | 6:30 PM | 9:30 PM | P26 | Angela Davidson |
S2 | Foundations in Conversation - Skillbuilder Level 5/6 | ENFH10 | M/W | 9:30 AM | 12:30 PM | P25 | Greg Robb |
S1 | Foundations in Writing - Skillbuilder Level 5/6 | ENFL10 | M/W | 9:30 AM | 12:30 PM | P20 | Allison Hantke |
S7 | Foundations in Conversation - Skillbuilder Level 6/7/8 | ENFH10 | M/T | 6:30 PM | 9:30 PM | P21 | Samantha Johnston |
S1 | Foundations in Writing - Skillbuilder Level 7/8 | ENFL10B | M/W | 9:30 AM | 12:30 PM | P21 | Samantha Johnston |
S2 | Foundations in Writing - Skillbuilder Level 7/8 | ENFL10B | T/Th | 6:30 PM | 9:30 PM | P25 | Greg Robb |
S4 | Foundations in Conversation - Skillbuilder Level 7/8 | ENFH10 | T/Th | 9:30 AM | 12:30 PM | P21 | Michelle Penner |
S5 | **Foundations in Conversation: Cooking! | ENFH10 | Th | 4:30 PM | 7:30 PM | A184 | Allison Hantke |
IMPORTANT INFORMATION before you register for Spring Session 2025:
– Spring Session at LEC is approximately seven weeks long and is fast paced and condensed. Students need to consider their personal work schedules, family commitments and other personal commitments before registering.
– Because of the fast pace and the short duration of Spring Session, regular attendance is mandatory. Teachers do not re-teach missed content.
-Students should expect a minimum of 1 hour of homework each day.
-Classes that run two days per week still require a four day per week commitment from students since there is work completed between classes through online assignments on on-site self-paced learning.
– Students can take one Spring Session course, as well as whatever self-paced course(s) they are currently registered in prior to Spring Session; Students wanting to take more than one course must have permission from an LEC counsellor or administrator.
– All students must be in attendance by the second Spring Session class or they may be withdrawn.
– Students who are registered in a school district other than Langley may not be eligible to take classes that run four days per week.
– NOTE regarding “Skillbuilder” courses – These courses offer a little over 40 hours of class time and are not complete couses / levels. Students.
– Students must be 16 years old as of July 1, 2024 in order to qualify for structured classes.
– Graduated Adults are subject to fees for some courses not covered by the BC Ministry of Education.
-**Foundations in Conversation: Cooking! Is for Literacy Foundations students in Levels 3 and up. A $50 materials fee applies to registrants. Please visit our Pay Your School Fees page to make your payment and email your payment receipt to lec-reception@sd35.bc.ca as proof of payment.
On-site and Online Directed Learning course registration is open online for the 2024-2025 school year with students beginning courses each week.